Healthy Oral Care for Children

Are you worried about your little one’s oral health? If you are, good for you. As you can probably guess, if your child has clean, healthy teeth while they’re young, they’ll probably develop healthy habits that can last for year to come. But, what can you do to help your little one develop these healthy… Read more »

The Impact of Tongue Brushing

You know that it’s important to brush and floss every day, but what do you know about brushing your tongue? In fact, should you consider brushing your tongue? What are the benefits? Do you just use your toothbrush? If you’re interested in answers questions like these, please read on. Strictly speaking, brushing your tongue isn’t… Read more »

How Teething Affects Your Baby

It is never too early to take care of one’s teeth and gums. Oral care begins as early as your baby’s first tooth. Baby’s tooth buds begin forming in the gums during mom’s second trimester. As the roots form, they force the crown upwards. As this pressure continues, the gum tissue breaks down as they… Read more »

Could a Dental Implant Be Right for You?

If you are missing one or more of your teeth or have a decayed tooth, you have quite a few options. While treatments like bridges, dentures, or crowns may be more affordable, please don’t forget to consider implants as well. Aside from enjoying a healthier smile immediately, you can also enjoy long-term benefits with implants…. Read more »

5 Reasons Why You Should Think of Your Dentist This Thanksgiving

As you mention the many things you’re thankful for this Thanksgiving Day, don’t forget to mention your dentist! Your dentist works very hard to give you the smile you have always wanted and deserved. With the help of the following services your dentist provides, it’s possible that you can finally have your dream smile: Dental… Read more »

Scare Away Tooth Decay With These Halloween Dental Tips

Do you know what is scarier than your kid’s ghost costume? The cavities they might develop from gorging on delicious candies collected during All Hallow’s Eve. However, this Halloween you and your child can prepare to defeat tooth decay by following these Halloween dental tips. Have your child continue to brush their teeth twice a… Read more »

Dental Health in All Stages of Pregnancy

When are expecting, you are probably striving to keep yourself healthy and strong for your own baby’s growth and development. During this time, it may be wise to think about how you can keep your teeth healthy and strong throughout the process. Our team is going to give you some help on how you can… Read more »

Some Really Strange Toothpaste Flavors

Toothpastes contain fluoride, abrasives, and cleaning agents which work together to clean teeth and fight decay. But there is another ingredient that some may consider essential to toothpaste: the flavoring agents. These agents make the toothpaste pleasing to taste, and they do not contain sugar that will increase the risk for decay. The most common… Read more »

6 Factors That Increase the Risk Of Developing Gingivitis

When plaque extends under the gum line, it can cause irritation and infection there. This condition is gingivitis, and can make the gums red, swollen, tender, and may even cause them to bleed. Gingivitis can be treated by brushing and flossing daily, and also by scaling performed by your dentist. But here are some of… Read more »